[REVIEW] Brandon's take on Doctor Strange
Hey nerds! I finally went and saw Doctor Strange and it was pretty damn awesome! Before we dive into this you must know that I have literally no precedent for Doctor Strange. I had heard the name before, but I have never read any of the comics, or anything else related, so I went in a pure virgin and came out a man (finally!!!).
Dr. Strange aka One Punch Man: Origins
In this movie Benedict Cumberbatch plays Dr. Stephen Strange who is one of the top surgeons in the world and has the ego to go with it. He reminds me of Robert Downey’s Ironman utilizing witty comments and his “I’m better than everyone attitude” (although he does eventually realize his douchebaggery and somewhat changes). After a car wreck takes away the use of his hands he falls into a pit of despair and hopelessness until he hears of a previous patient he turned down overcame the impossible and is healed. Looking for any way to fix himself he brought to an ancient place (a dojo I guess…) by Baron Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor from 12 Years A Slave) where shit really starts hitting the fan.
Tilda Swinton does an excellent job playing the “Ancient One” who is the leader of said dojo and is a super-badass, magical, spell-casting, no shit taking chick with some serious training skills! After a visual brain rape proves to Strange that he doesn’t know shit about shit, he begins his training to become the next Criss Angel.
Following some attacks by a previous student of the “Ancient One” all hell breaks loose and the movie quickly becomes a mind-boggling, visually stunning, and action packed film! There’s also a love interest that does provide some comedic relief, but I didn’t really care too much as I was still in what I thought was the second stage of Inception.
Overall, this movie is entertaining, visually stunning, and has some of the most talented actors/actresses in the business. I can’t say for sure how close to the comic it follows, but this definitely made me a Doctor Strange fan and I can’t wait for the next one in this expanded Marvel Universe! Also, make sure to stay after the credits, because there are TWO different cut scenes that are pretty badass.
Final verdict: I give Doctor Strange 5 out of 5 Cloaks of Levitation!
Stay nerdy, my friends!