Conan takes on VR in hilarious "Clueless Gamer" sketch
If you haven't seen Conan O'Brien's "Clueless Gamer" series, you NEED to. Each episode, Conan tries out a new game (and completely shits on it). But we aren't watching it for his final review, we watch it so we can laugh as he struggles to deal with insane game controls and often-silly stories. As hardcore nerds and gamers, we get to see a game played through the lens of a (not quite normal) non-gamer.
In this episode, Conan tries out the upcoming VR horror game, "Wilson's Heart," on the Oculus Rift. If Conan getting destroyed by Tom Brady in For Honor is funny, watching Conan attempt VR is hysterical. He's like a drunk baby with the controls, and goes full ADHD by trying to touch absolutely everything in the environment.
Bonus: I can't get enough of watching the poor guy who has to coach him through each of these games.
"Hello Darkness, my old friend..."
See the Wilson's Heart trailer below.
If you loved this episode, you can check out our breakdown of the Clueless Gamer they did for Final Fantasy XV.
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