Shawn got to play in the Rooster Teeth Beer Olympics
Dating someone who works at Rooster Teeth as its perks: 1) I get to live vicariously through her as I cry tears of envy. 2) Every once-in-a-while, I get to piggy-back to a Rooster Teeth event!
This weekend was one of those instances. Rooster Teeth's talent were throwing a Beer Olympics, and Rachel had an open spot on team USA. And who did she know that could drink a lot of beer without passing out? THIS GUY. Or I was, at least, the easiest option she had.
There were 5 events: Flip cup (with cards); Balloon-humping relay race (my favorite); Watermelon eating contest (which we won in a beer-chugging tie-breaker); and a regular, old-fashion beer chug (with a beer-bong anchor). It started at noon, it was swamp-ass hot outside, but we drank like champs, and we even managed to take home one Gold medal (we ended up with the Bronze, overall). They topped off the event by watching Sweet Home Alabama at peak-drunkness. It was fun as hell, and I felt like death the next day. Overall, a huge success.
I'm totally not Photoshopped into this picture.