MUST-SEE Halloween Movies
Halloween has to be one of our favorite times of year. Walking around in ridiculous cosplay gets you the admiration of random, drunken strangers instead of "Check out this weirdo, virgin man-child." Jumping out of dark corners to scare your friends ends in "Ahh, you got me!" instead of a punch in the face. (I'm not 100% guaranteeing you won't get punched in the face, though). You have an excuse to binge-watch your favorite gory-as-hell horror films. Also... CANDY!!!
Seems legit.
But, back to my point about binge-watching horror films. Since Halloween is on Monday, you get an entire weekend to gather your friends, sit on your couch and watch all of the scary movies your little black heart desires. Not sure where to start? Or perhaps you're just such a big horror junkie that you can't find anything new to watch? We've got you covered. Years of having babysitters traumatize us by making us watch scary movies with them has left us with quite the collection of good horror films.
Because it always ends SO well for the mean babysitter.
Here are some of our favorite horror films. Ranging from "gory-as-hell" to "this is somehow both piss-my-pants hilarious AND piss-my-pants frightening" to "this movie is so psychologically insane and disturbing that my brain will never be the same," we like to think we cover the gamut of scary movies. Let us know which ones you love, which ones you hate, and which ones you want to slap us for making you watch.
28 Days Later
28 Months Later
30 days of night
Cabin in the Woods
Dawn of the Dead (Original)
Devil's Rejects
Drag Me To Hell
Evil Dead (Introduced the world to Ash, the greatest, boomstick-rockinest motherfucker that ever lived)
Friday the 13th
House on Haunted Hill (1999 version. It's amazingly terrible)
Insidious (ONLY the first one)
Jeepers Creepers
Let The Right One In
Murder Party (from the director of the fantastic Green Room)
Nightmare on Elm street
Pan's Labrynth
Paranormal activity
Pitch Black
Shaun of the Dead
Silent Hill
The Host (The 2006 Korean film, not that 2013 weird sci-fi teen romance garbage)
The Mist
The Ring
The Strangers
The Thing (The John Carpenter/Kurl Russel version, NOT the remake)
You're Next (Great film for the whole family... if you hate them)